
Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP)

The Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP) is an alternative education program in the Philippines that allows working professionals who were not able to finish their college education or were completely unable to step into a college to earn a bachelor’s degree without going through traditional schooling methods.

Under this program, professionals with five or more years of working experience can use the knowledge, experiences, and achievements they obtained through their jobs to earn school credits that are then deducted from the total number of units that they are required to earn before they graduate. This way, the more professional experience the ETEEAP student demonstrates, the sooner he or she can earn his or her bachelor’s degree.

How Do I Earn a Degree via ETEEAP?

ETEEAP beneficiaries are assessed based on all their work experiences and previous learning. It evaluates your skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes that you gained through your work experiences. The panel of evaluators then aligns these to relevant college credits and, if qualified, presents you with your relevant college degree.


An ETEEAP candidate must meet the following qualifications: Filipino, at least high school graduate or must have PEPT equivalent to the first-year college.

  • Has at least five (5) years of work-related experience.
  • Must be at least twenty-two (22) years old; and
  • Able to show evidence of capability and thorough knowledge through the following pieces of evidence:
  • Certificate of Proficiency issued by the government regulatory board.
  • Certificate of Proficiency issued by the employer(s).
  • Certificate of Proficiency issued by, a licensed practitioner in the field:


Documents to be prepared by the Candidates
1. lx1 ID picture (original)
2. NSO authenticated birth certificate
3. Barangay clearance/ NBI clearance/ Passport
4. Service Record / Certificate of Employment
5. Most recent academic record/diploma
6. Comprehensive resume
7. Certificates of training and workshops completed
8. Certificates of individual proficiency in the discipline or field of interest
9. Other documents or evidence of capability and knowledge in the field applied for equivalency and accreditation
10. Accomplished ETEEAP application form (2 copies)


  • BSBA major in Marketing Management
  • BSBA major in Financial Management
  • BSBA major in Human Resource Management
  • BSBA major in Operations Management


1. The candidate should submit an application letter and resume’ indicating his/her personal profile, educational qualifications, work experiences, achievements, awards received, and community extension services.
2. An initial interview will be scheduled to validate if the candidate is qualified for the ETEEAP.
3. If the candidate successfully passes the interview, he/she will be scheduled for Preliminary Assessment/Evaluation.
4. After the presentation, the panel of assessors will decide on what subjects the candidate will take/enroll during the semester. 5. After completing the subjects required by the panel, a Final Assessment will be conducted, which will be an ocular visit to the workplace of the candidate.


Note: to be submitted to the Registrar’s Office upon enrollment

[ ] Honorable Dismissal
[ ] Transcript of Records/Original or Authenticated Copy of Grades
[ ] Original or Authenticated copy PSA Birth Certificate
[ ] Good Moral Certificate
[ ] 2 pcs 1.5 x 1.5 size picture


Tution Fee is same with regular undergraduate students P958.50 per unit (note: subejcts to take can be determined after completion of the Admissions Procedure No. 4).

You can estimate your assesment fee HERE


The University of Nueva Caceres offers flexible learning modality designed to provide inclusive, accessible and affordable quality education for all, right in the comfort of your homes.


Email: [email protected]

Contact Number: 22565-1-862(UNC)
Subject: ETEEAP Inquiry

Email: [email protected] and [email protected]

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